"Brave New World" is a dystopian novel by Aldous Huxley that depicts a future society where people are genetically engineered and conditioned for specific roles. It explores themes of control, manipulation, and the consequences of a highly regulated and pleasure-driven society. I carried out the pre-production of a title sequence for a potential HBO series based on Aldous Huxley's book "Brave New World". The sequence aimed to visually capture the unsettling and thought-provoking nature of the story, setting the tone for the series and immersing viewers into the dystopian world portrayed in the book.
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Selected Works
Brave New WorldSchool Project - Title Sequence
ROLEXSchool Project - 3D Modeling
EDP - Climate ChangeSchool Project - Promotional Video
Blast PremierSchool Project - Package of Motion Graphics for a Television
2PLAY "For The Win" RPFreelance Project - Creating a Visual Identity for a Gaming Community
NBC TV CHANNELSchool Project - Identity & Continuity Bumpers
2PLAY RPFreelance Project - Creating a Loading Screen
ARCHIVESchool Project - Identity of a gym